How To Keep Up To Date With SEO Trends


The SEO world changes very rapidly. It is estimated that Google makes major algorithm changes at least every 6 months, with smaller ones occurring more frequently throughout the year. The strategies that work now may no longer be relevant in 10, or even 5 years. It is important to keep informed about SEO changes because online marketing is competitive. Within a year, there may be new businesses in competition with yours online. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep up to date with SEO. We will give you some tips on educating yourself on SEO changes below: 

Tips on Keeping Up To Date With SEO Trends

  1. Educate yourself on SEO trends regularly

    Educate yourself on SEO trends regularly. It is not sufficient to read an SEO blog every 6 months or read up on SEO once a year. Put time aside each week to read up on SEO. 1-3 hours would be best. In addition, consult a variety of sources to get the most accurate overall picture, not just one blog or website.

  2. Subscribe to SEO blogs

    There are many great SEO blogs that are filled with informational content. SEO blogs are great for educating yourself on general topics, as well as learning about recent changes in the SEO world. You should browse SEO blogs regularly for news and tips on SEO. Some popular, authoritative SEO blogs are SearchEngineLand, Quicksprout, and the Moz blog.

  3. Follow SEO thought leaders on social media

    Many SEO thought leaders have regular social media profiles and social media feeds. There are popular social media sites that SEOs share industry content on. Some of them are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  Some of these thought leaders may have connections or relationship with industry insiders who may give them advance notice of general fluctuations or changes in the industry. Some current SEO thought leaders are Rand Fishkin, Matt Cuts, and Chris Sherman. 

  4. Subscribe to the Google Webmaster Central blog

    There is no better way to receive information than from the source! On the Google Webmaster Central blog, Google shares news on general algorithm updates and changes to search engine policies. It is very important to subscribe to this blog. Google shares important updates on search engine developments through this blog. 

  5. Browse SEO forums

    Many SEO professionals discuss possible algorithm changes and theories on what Google may be up to. Some of these forums are Google Webmaster Central, SEOChat, and SEOForums.

  6. Browse SEO threads on Reddit, Quora and Digg

    Reddit is an extremely popular forum with over 500 million visitors. Reddit is a forum style website with different “subreddits”, which are mini forums. There are many subreddits related to SEO which you can read to keep up on SEO changes and speculations. Quora is a question and answer site. Questions are asked, answered, and edited by its community of users. Quora can be a great place to read questions and answers on a variety of topics. However, use caution: not every user on Quora has the authority to speak on SEO. Digg is a news aggregator with a customized front page, which shows you news most relevant to who you follow on social media. 

  7. Create SEO streams on Twitter

    Many SEO professionals and agencies use Twitter as a means to discuss what is going on in the SEO industry. Create a stream use some specific terms like “google updates” or “google algorithm changes.” In addition to using streams, you might want to follow some SEO profiles and ask SEO professionals in the industry questions. They might be able to give you industry insider information that you can take pre-emptive action on.

  8. Set up Google Alerts on SEO news

    What better way to research SEO changes than using Google? You can save yourself time by setting up Google Alerts. Google Alerts sends you an email any time pages with relevant search terms you provide show up on Google. For ideas, you can set up Google Alerts for “SEO news” or “SEO algorithm changes.”

In conclusion, keeping up with SEO changes can be a difficult and time-consuming task. There are additional ways of informing yourself about SEO changes, but this article should be a good starting point. If you find that you do not have the time or resources to educate yourself on SEO, contact a digital marketing agency for assistance.  

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